Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sum to prove


Consider any positive integer N whose (decimal) digits read from left to right are in
non-decreasing order, but the last two digits (tens and ones) are in increasing order.
Prove that the sum of digits of 9N is always exactly 9.

1 comment:

  1. From the solution of author herself::
    It was hard to believe, since N could be really large. For example, if a = 1778, b = 2344459,
    and c = 12225557779, then
    9a = 16002, 9b = 21100131, 9c = 110030020011,
    and the sum of digits in each case is 9. The proof is easy. If you find it for for 3- or 4-digit
    numbers, the generalization is trivial. This problem was communicated to me about three years
    ago by Valery Kanevsky, a friend and an applied mathematician.
